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This privacy notice tells you what information we collect about you, how we use that information, and who we share it with.

Who we are and what we do

Trusted Eye provides investigation services to private individuals, business, and public organisations, primarily across Humberside and northern Lincolnshire.  Occasionally, our work also take us elsewhere.  You can find out more about our services on this website.

Who is the data controller?

Trusted Eye may be the controller of your data and, in some cases, may process data on behalf of other data controllers.

Trusted Eye is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) under reference ZB546664.

What types of information do we collect and how do we collect it?

We may collect the following kinds of data: names, dates of birth, contact information (physical addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses), National Insurance numbers, information about households and family memberships, financial information, current employment and employment history, identity information (e.g., passports, birth certificates and driving licences), vehicle information, and information about businesses.

When necessary, we may also collect certain special category data, including: information revealing ethnic or racial origin, religious or philosophical belief, trade union membership, and information concerning health.

We may collect data from you in the following ways:

  • During personal contact, including using body worn video and other audio/video recording equipment,

  • During provision of our services,

  • During our investigations, including the use of covert techniques, and

  • From third-parties, including clients, other businesses and organisations.

What are the lawful bases for obtaining and using your personal information?

When processing personal data, we do so on one or more of the following bases:

  • When we have your consent to do so.

  • When we are delivering contractual services or because you have asked us to do something (e.g., provide a quotation) before you enter into a contract.

  • When we are pursuing a legitimate interest.

When processing special category data, we do so on one or more of the following bases:

  • With your consent,

  • When you have made the data public,

  • In connection with legal claims or judicial acts, or 

  • When there is a substantial public interest for doing so (usually the prevention and detection of unlawful acts or to safeguard individuals at risk).

In certain circumstances, we also process criminal offence data, including for the purpose of preventing or detecting unlawful acts.

What is your information used for?

We use your information to deliver a range of services on behalf of our clients and may process your data for one or more of the following purposes:

  • To manage our contractual relationships and respond to customer enquiries.

  • To meet accounting and taxation requirements.

  • To investigate, prevent and detect crime, and to apprehend and prosecute offenders.

  • To collect evidence and information for use in administrative and civil proceedings, or in contemplation of such proceedings.

  • To safeguard individuals who are at risk.

  • To provide professional advice, or when we are providing consultancy services.

  • To investigate and respond to complaints; and when we review our performance, to implement improvements to our working practices wherever necessary.

Will your information be shared?

Your information may be shared where there is a lawful basis to do so.  These situations may include where we have your permission or when there is a legitimate purpose.  We may also share personal data when we are lawfully required to do so, for example by a law enforcement agency exercising its statutory powers, when obliged by a court order, or when there is a lawful exemption to do so.

How do we store your information, and how do we keep it secure?

We process personal data in both paper and electronic records.  The security of your data is important to us.  We have undertaken risk assessments to anticipate threats to your data and have implemented control measures to ensure that it remains secure.

How long do we keep personal information?

Retention periods vary depending on the purpose for which your data has been collected.  Please refer to our data retention policy for more information.

Personal information processed outside of the United Kingdom

We do not process information outside of the UK.


We do not process your data for marketing purposes, unless you give us your express permission.  We do not, under any circumstances, share your data with third parties for the purpose of their advertising and marketing activities.

What are your information rights?

Subject to some exceptions, you are entitled to:

  • Ask for a copy of the information that we hold about you.

  • Have any errors corrected.

  • Have your personal data erased.

  • Place a restriction on our processing of your data.

  • Object to our processing of your data.

  • Ask us to transfer your data to another organisation.

Usually, you do not have to pay a charge to exercise your rights.  If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you.

To exercise your rights, ask questions about how we process your data, or to make a complaint, you can email or write to Trusted Eye Investigations, Box 26, Business Hive, 13 Dudley Street, Grimsby, DN31 2AW.

If you are unhappy about the use of your data, you can complain to us.  Our complaints procedure is here.

You can also complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) by writing to Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, or calling 0303 1231113.  The ICO's website is at  

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