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Can I get a Private Investigator for free?

In my last article – “Why do potatoes make the best investigators?” – I looked at the role of the private investigator (“PI”) and the kind of work that the private investigation industry undertakes.  If you think that your case might benefit from a PI’s services, you may well be concerned about the cost.  You may even be wondering if you can get a PI’s services for free.

The short answer is ‘No’.  Like any other professional service, a PI’s work comes at a cost.  Their expertise comes at a price and significant effort, time and resources are devoted to the cases that they take on. 

However, there are a couple of scenarios in which you may be able to access a PI’s services at a reduced cost, or even for no charge at all.

Some investigators – me included – take on cases ‘pro bono’.  In these cases, the PI’s services are provided free of charge.  It’s worth noting that the availability of such opportunities is extremely limited.  They are at the PI’s complete discretion and are typically reserved for cases that closely align with the PI’s own values, interests, and causes that they feel passionate about.  If you would like me to consider your case, feel free to drop me an email providing a brief outline of your case.

Other cases may be eligible for assistance through legal aid.  Legal aid can help pay all or part of your legal costs and, while different rules apply to civil and criminal cases, broadly speaking whether you’ll be entitled will depend on the type of case and your financial situation.  More information is available on the Law Society website and you should be guided by a solicitor or legal advisor about any entitlement that you may have.    

Whatever the situation, a PI’s services must be regarded as an investment. A PI must be able to add real value to the cases that they take on.    Beware of the rogue operators who promise the earth but deliver little! The professional PI will provide honest advice (often for free), explain the benefits of their involvement, and be clear about their limitations.  It's worth bearing in mind that - when seeking to protect precious personal and commercial interests - a professional PI’s involvement could more than pay for itself in the long term.

If you are seeking a PI’s services in Humberside and northern Lincolnshire, consider Trusted Eye.  While our rates are competitive, our commitment to quality is uncompromising.  For much of our work, we charge a modest hourly rate of £45, although we also offer fixed half- and full-day rates.  Our fixed price process serving fees start at just £60.

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