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Carer abuse can take many forms, including neglect, physical, psychological, and financial and material abuse.  For a number of reasons, gathering evidence of such wrongdoing can be challenging, often due to the complex needs of its victims, the one to one nature of abuse incidents, or a lack of awareness (or even a refusal) to accept the abuse is happening.

Carer abuse can take many forms, including neglect, physical, psychological, and financial and material abuse.  For a number of reasons, gathering evidence of such wrongdoing can be challenging, often due to the complex needs of its victims, the one to one nature of abuse incidents, or a lack of awareness (or even a refusal) to accept the abuse is happening.


A portfolio comprising our widest range of services.

Criminal, civil, family and employment matters

Trusted Eye's general investigations portfolio comprises criminal, civil, family and employment matters.  Whether you are seeking clarity or reassurance about a family member, suspect a fraud or theft, or are an employer with suspicions of employee misconduct, Trusted Eye is ready to accept your instructions.

Some common applications include the investigation of:

  • Criminal offences, including situations in which you may be dissatisfied with an investigation by a public authority.

  • Civil matters involving harm or loss, with a view to obtaining monetary damages or injunctive relief.

  • Anti-social and nuisance behaviour.

  • Family matters, such as concern about the conduct of a family member or matrimonial infidelity.

  • Employee absenteeism, without a valid cause, and internal theft.

  • Carer abuse, through neglect, physical, psychological, or financial and material harm.

Trusted Eye can deploy experienced investigators to objectively, sensitively, and tactfully investigate and, when appropriate, can use covert methods to gather best evidence.  As well as ensuring that evidence is obtained ethically and legally, we are at all times alert to the need to safeguard people who are at risk.

We also accept instructions from the legal profession on matters relating to criminal and civil defence.

To find out more or discuss your requirements, get in touch with us.

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